Sarawak is also known as the "Land of the Hornbills". It has vast area of tropical rainforest which is the HOME of several species of hornbills.
The setting of this painting is a familiar view from Borneo Highlands ( located at the outskirts of Kuching City) overlooking the distant forest; where one could see hornbills flying in pairs over the sky. The white clouds and the blue sky is echoed in the lyrics of a favourite childhood song ..."Song of Home"...
[ 朵朵白云飞向我的故乡!] 砂拉越也被称为“犀鸟之乡”。它拥有广阔的热带雨林区域,是几种犀鸟的栖息地。 这幅画的背景是从婆罗洲高地(位于古晋市郊区)俯瞰远处森林的熟悉景观; 人们可以看到犀鸟成对飞过天空。 一首儿歌 " 故乡"歌的詞"朵朵白云飞向我的故乡" 一至在我脑海里回响...围绕