Fletcher Then

Sibu, Sarawak

Abstract impressionist



Fletcher Then finished his study in Melbourne as Culinary Chef in 2014 and worked as HR (Human Resource) Director for nearly 10 years. He has been making waves in the art world with his unique style of abstract cubism, heavily influenced by Picasso’s cubism . He joined the Sarawak Artists Society in 2020. His art is known for its bold and striking compositions, created using acrylic, crayon and water colours‘ Fletcher’s interest in art and fashion design at an early age has continued throughout his life, leading him to pursue a career in the arts. He has been making art for more than a decade and the journey started when he was just 10 years old. He received training from established artists in impressionism during his high school years and is currently under the tutelage of established artists in the Sarawak Artists Society. Fletcher’s artwork has gained attention from clients and has been featured in the Sarawak ArtList, a book that features established and up-and-coming artists in Sarawak. He believes that his artwork can create new designs for the public and he seeks to create art pieces that can bring out the corner walls well and make them a unique part of the space. With his dedication, passion and skill, Fletcher believes he is a rising star in the Sarawak art scene. He has a few upcoming projects and exhibitions planned in the near future and he is excited about what he will create next.

Artist Works

TREE of Life

Unity & Culture

Fletcher’s Unnamed #5

Fletcher’s Unnamed #4

Fletcher’s Unnamed #3

Fletcher’s Unnamed #2

Imagination And Childhood