Published On May 29, 2024
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Oleh: adminfsrd
FSRD Trisakti University in collaboration with the Centre of Studies Art and Design, Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Sarawak and Sarawak Artist Society (SAS) Malaysia organized the activity “Mapping Sarawak to the International Worlds Art Exchange and Exhibition” which took place on 28 – 31 May 2024 at Trisakti University.
The opening ceremony of the Antara Budaya – Kenyalang Beyond Borders Exhibition and Public Lecture was held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at Gallery N 2nd Floor. The event was opened by the Dean of FSRD, Dr. Sangayu Ketut Laksemi Nilotama, M.Ds and inaugurated by the Vice Rector I of Trisakti University, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Burhannudinnur, M.Sc, IPU, ASEAN Eng., and attended by the Head of Centre of Studies Art and Design UiTM Cawangan Sarawak: Sr. Dr. Asmah Alia Mohamad Bohari, President of Sarawak Artists Society: Mr. Sebastian Jong Chu Yun, Representative of the Embassy of Malaysia: Mr. Farzamie Sarkawi, Education Attaché of the Embassy of Malaysia: Mr. Zulfadhli Hamzah, EM Indonesia Director: Dr. Hasnul Faizal, Embassy of Ukraine Representative: Mr. Yurii Lupei, Executive Director of International Pepper Community: Miss Firna Azura Ekaputri Hj.Marzuki, representatives of the Office of International Affairs, Cooperation and Culture (KUIKK) Trisakti University, Deans within Trisakti University, lecturers and students of UiTM Cawangan Sarawak, FSRD and FTSP Trisakti University, and other invitees.
The opening ceremony and exhibition review continued with Art Talk by Mr. Sebastian Jong Chu Yun (SAS) and Art Demonstration from Sarawak Artist Society (SAS), followed by 4 speakers in different cultural themes namely Dr. Wan Juliana Emeih Wahed (UiTM), Mr. Clement Jimel (UiTM), Dr. Cama Juli Rianingrum, M.Si (FSRD Usakti), Mr. Liew Kim Phiaw (SAS), and a question and answer session.
The activity was lively and very good. The event was closed with the delivery of information on Urban Sketching activities with FTSP Usakti which will take place on Thursday, May 30, 2024.